Friday, December 26, 2014

Membuat Karikatur Dengan Photoshop [Part-3]

Next up is the true power behind the caricature process. It's the infamous Liquify feature. We've already done much of the warp work with the different transformations, but it's the Liquify feature that is really going to create a fluid, funny, exaggerated appearance. The Liquify tools are powerful and can be unpredictable, but fortunately the feature supports Smart Filtering, so there's no worries!
Select all of the cutout layers and the seam cover layer and merge them into a single Smart Object with Layer > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object.

Merge the individual layers into a single Smart Object

Go to Filter > Liquify. When the dialogue box comes up, check the Advanced Mode to reveal additional controls.

Liquify Advanced Mode

Use the Forward Warp Tool with a brush size around 200 to increase the size of his forehead. Gently push the skin area up towards the hairline.

Push the hairline back even further

Use the Bloat Tool to click a few times on the tip of his nose to make it look more bulbous.

Create a larger tip to his nose

Use the Freeze Mask Tool to highlight the frames of the glasses. This will prevent the frames from distorting while we work with the eyes.

Freeze Mask the glasses frames

Use the Forward Warp Tool again to exaggerate the shape of the temple area, and the Bloat Tool to create a slightly larger shape to the eyes—just be sure to reduce the size of the brush to be similar in size to the eyeballs. When finished, click the None button in the Mask Options to unfreeze the masked area.

exaggerate the shape of the temple area

Extend the chin a bit more using the Forward Warp Tool and create a more rounded, bulbous end with the Bloat Tool.

Chin Extension

Finally, make his smile even bigger by using the Forward Warp Tool to push the corners of his mouth up into the folds on his cheeks. Just be careful not to warp the shape of the teeth.

Bigger smile
Apply the Liquify effect and your caricature should look something like this.

Liquify effect applied 
Lanjut Ke Part :
+ Part 1 Karikatur Photoshop 
+ Part 2 Karikatur Photoshop 
+ Part 3 Karikatur Photoshop 
+ Part 4 Karikatur Photoshop 
